Nicolas Vanaise

Nicolas is an artisan chocolatier from the city of Ghent, he has a great passion for both chocolate, obviously, and Japan. I still remember, it was somewhere in 2012 that my curiosity led me to his shop for the first time, and I was quite impressed from day one. As soon as I would need a little present to thank someone, I would go back to his shop. For his lovely chocolate bonbons of course, but also for the genuine story behind it. Bit by bit I learned more about him and as I dropped by more often, we started talking about our common interests, being food in the first place. But not just any food, whenever Nicolas travels, he always foresees some time to discover a couple of new addresses or products he read about in one of the many food magazines he subscribed to. If there’s anything you need to know about the new tendencies in the world regarding food, then he’s you’re man. He already gave me quite a list of addresses to check out in for instance Paris, London and Japan. You could call that devotion or inquisitiveness, but he calls it passion. That’s what differentiates his pralines from others, he's able to surprise people by combining flavours they wouldn’t expect, and it works very well. He even named one of his creations after me, you should definitely ask for the Kaarle when you get there, he’ll tell you all about it… To discover it all you can find more info on his Facebook page, or even better, go to meet the artist in his shop:
Walpoortstraat 11a,
9000 Gent (Belgium)

Pictures courtesy on this page to Marc De Troyer.